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About Me: My name is Noah Griffith, and I am 23-years old. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Auburn University in December 2023, and I currently work as the Managing Editor for Athlon Sports’ “Braves Today.” But more importantly, I am a fighter of Friedreichs Ataxia, a disability advocate and a passionate storyteller. 

I started this blog in November of 2022 on my own time for a few reasons: to spread awareness for FA, encourage and uplift others and connect with those who feel hurt or lost. I believe I have gone through a lot of hard things in my life that I can give purpose to by helping others deal with their suffering through writing about my own life. I now publish a monthly blog post and have started adding sporadic podcast episodes that compliment those posts and share the stories of those who live with FA.

I believe God allows suffering to draw us nearer to im, but I hope to comfort others in the midst of life’s struggles as well as celebrate life’s victories and offer a positive perspective on life.

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” – Psalm 34:18-19

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